Saturday, November 28, 2020

krush graphix: black friday weekend sale!!!


It’s a weekend thang!!! Save up to 60% off on select items via #blackunicornmerch with code BLACKFRIWKND valid thru 11/29/2020

Zazzle Community Member

a cyber monday gift at gabriel & co


Cyber Monday Offer Fine Jewelry Banner

Friday, November 20, 2020

a message from the owner...



2020 has been a difficult year for many due to #COVID19

Here in California, we are taking specific precautions to slow the spread per Governor Gavin Newsom.

As we prepare to celebrate the holidays, here are some recommended ways to spend time with close family and friends while at home.

Also keep in mind that Governor Newsom has issued a mandatory curfew effective Saturday 11/21/2020 

Please be safe and remember to wear your masks and practice social distancing



Kesha Levon Johnson-Clark (@ahseknovel)


Brown Sugar Promotions LLC