
Brown Sugar Promotions LLC, A Publishing Imprint

Contest - Spanish and German Editions

Enter "Spanish and German" What Else Editions for your chance to win an print copy of
"What Else: The Pics & Poetry of Kesha L Johnson-Clark" coming 9/25/15

Please answer the following question and submit your response before
January 8, 2016

Question: What is Kesha's German name???
(Hint: Kesha L Johnson-Clark learned to speak German in high school and was assigned the name
_ _ _ _)

The "Spanish and German" What Else Editions Entry Rules © 2015
No Purchase or Obligation Necassary To Enter or Win
Promotional Period is of 12:00am PST on 9/21/15 and ends at 11:59pm PST on 1/8/16 All Entries must be Submitted by those 18 years of age or older as of 9/25/15 and must be a Legal Resident of the 50
United States and D.C.
Answers may be Submitted and are accepted by (2) two ways either 1)Email to with
"BOOKPROMO5" as the Subject Line or 2)Mail to Attn: BOOKPROMO5 P.O. Box 640281 SF, CA 94164
Postmarked by 1/8/16 to Receive (1) one print copy.

Brown Sugar Promotions LLC, A Publishing Imprint

Contest - The Corset Book Advance

Enter "The Corset" Book Advance for your chance to win an advance copy of
"The Corset: Poems That Bind vol1" coming 2/14/14

Please answer the following question and submit your response before
February 8, 2014

Question: What is the movie title and first and last name of the actor/actress that said, "get down from that horse or I'll knock you off"...
(Hint: Kesha L Johnson-Clark is a fan of director Alfred Hitchcock and international spy character James Bond)

The "Corset" Book Advance Entry Rules © 2014
No Purchase or Obligation Necassary To Enter or Win
Promotional Period is of 12:00am PST on 1/25/14 and ends at 11:59pm PST on 2/8/14 All Entries must be Submitted by those 18 years of age or older as of 1/25/14 and must be a Legal Resident of the 50
United States and D.C.
Answers may be Submitted and are accepted by (2) two ways either 1)Email to with
"BOOKPROMO4" as the Subject Line or 2)Mail to Attn: BOOKPROMO4 P.O. Box 640281 SF, CA 94164
Postmarked by 2/8/14 to Receive (1) one Advanced copy.

Brown Sugar Promotions LLC, A Publishing Imprint

Contest - Butterfly Experience Book Chase

Enter The "Butterfly Experience Book Chase" for your chance to win a print copy of 
"The Butterfly Experience vol5" by Kesha L Johnson-Clark

Please answer the following question and submit your response before December 29, 2013

Question: When did Kesha begin writing the butterfly experience poetry series and why?

The "Butterfly Experience" Book Chase Entry Rules © 2013 No Purchase or Obligation Necessary To Enter or Win Promotional Period is of 12:00am PST on 8/29/13 and ends at 11:59pm PST on 12/29/13 All Entries must be Submitted by those 18 years of age or older as of 8/29/13 and must be a Legal Resident of the 50 United States and D.C. Answers may be Submitted and are accepted by (2) two ways either 1)Email to with "BOOKPROMO3" as the Subject Line or 2)Mail to Attn: BOOKPROMO3 P.O. Box 640281 SF, CA 94164 Postmarked by 12/29/13 to Receive (1) one print copy

Brown Sugar Promotions LLC

Prize - Green Afro Honey Gift Pack

We're on an official search for positive examples of #ShadesOfBeauty and #HowsMyHair to showcase via the Green Afro Honey blog and related websites. Participants will submit (2) two photos of a non-sexual, explicit or pornographic nature (ideally a front shot to focus on your beautiful faces and hairstyles) along with a brief biograph expressing how women of color are dipicted in the media and how it effects their ideal of beauty. The prize pack will include a mix of organic, natural products for skin and hair care along with 1 book on organic living and/or natural health remedies featured on our site. All participants will receive a gift pack.  

The "Green Afro Honey Gift Pack" Prize Rules © 2013
Participants MUST Sign a wavier for the Use of their Photos and Bios To be Eligible
Promotional Period is of 12:00am PST on 7/1/13 and is open while supplies are available 
All Participants must show proof of signed waiver AND be 18 years of age at time of entry
Proof of signed waiver Submitted and are accepted by (2) two ways either 1)Email to with
"GAHGIFT1" as the Subject Line or 2)Mail to Attn: GAHGIFT1 P.O. Box 640281 SF, CA 94164
Postmarked as of 7/1/13 to Receive (1) one Green Afro Honey Gift Pack. Proof attachments will not be returned to Sender. Please be aware that by signing the waiver, you are allowing Green Afro Honey and Brown Sugar Promotions LLC to use your photos and bio information as described via our related media sources for the intended and understood purpose until a separate written notice is issued to stop that original use. This also applies to submitting updated photos and bio information should you desire to do so. All participation is at will and not required. Green Afro Honey and Brown Sugar Promotions LLC does reserve the right to remove a participants photos and bio information at anytime for any reason without prior notice. Photos and bio informaton should be of your own however if you are submitting on behalf of another person, obtain written consent to do so as Green Afro Honey and Brown Sugar Promotions LLC will not be liable for any damages in future claims.

Brown Sugar Promotions LLC

Promotions - Starbucks Gift Card

We're offering a $5 Starbucks Gift Card to customers who purchase "The Butterfly Experience: A Collection of Poems vol4" or "The Passion Fruit Syndrome: A Collection of Poems vol2" by Kesha L Johnson-Clark via our CreateSpace eStore links OR if they can correctly answer the following question:

What is Kesha's favorite drink from Starbucks?

The "Starbucks Gift Card" Promotion Rules © 2013
Customers MUST Purchase "The Butterfly Experience vol4" or "The Passion Fruit Syndrome vol2" by Kesha L Johnson-Clark To be Eligible
Promotional Period is of 12:00am PST on 3/11/13 and is open while supplies are available 
All Entries must show proof of purchase and be 18 years of age at time of purchase
Proof of purchases Submitted and are accepted by (2) two ways either 1)Email to with
"STARBUCKS1" as the Subject Line or 2)Mail to Attn: STARBUCKS1 P.O. Box 640281 SF, CA 94164
Postmarked as of 3/11/12 to Receive (1) one $5 Starbucks Gift Card. Proof attachments will not be returned to Sender. Please be aware that purchases from any other vendor should be reported as Brown Sugar Promotions LLC has exclusively authorized sales and distribution of our published titles via (which is a Amazon company) to ensure the proper retail prices, approved author content and up-to-date covers and associated packaging. 

Brown Sugar Promotions LLC, A Publishing Imprint

Contest - Express Yourself, Literally

Enter "Express Yourself, Literally" for your chance to win a Brown Sugar
Promotions LLC Publishing Promo Pack

Please complete the following and submit your essay

Essay Topic: What makes you unique and how does that effect your career, specifically as a writer or musical artist???

The "Express Yourself, Literally" Publishing Promo Pack Entry Rules © 2013
No Purchase or Obligation Necassary To Enter or Win
Promotional Period is of 12:00am PST on 1/1/13 and ends at 11:59pm PST on 12/29/13
All Entries must be Submitted by those 18 years of age or older as of 1/1/13 and must be a Legal Resident of the 50
United States and D.C.
Essays may be Submitted and are accepted by (2) two ways either 1)Email to with
"PUBPROMO1" as the Subject Line or 2)Mail to Attn: PUBPROMO1 P.O. Box 640281 SF, CA 94164
to Receive (1) Publishing Promo Pack valued at $300 US dollars.

Brown Sugar Promotions LLC

Promotions - Amazon Gift Card

We're offering a $25 Amazon Gift Card to customers who purchase "Sweet Embrace: A Vampire's Life in Poetry" or "The Passion Fruit Syndrome: Poetry Enhanced" by Kesha L Johnson-Clark via

The "Amazon Gift Card" Promotion Rules © 2012
Customers MUST Purchase "Sweet Embrace" or "Poetry Enhanced" by Kesha L Johnson-Clark To be Eligible
Promotional Period is of 12:00am PST on 8/29/12 and is open while supplies are available 
All Entries must show proof of purchase and be 18 years of age at time of purchase
Proof of purchases Submitted and are accepted by (2) two ways either 1)Email to with
"AMAZON1" as the Subject Line or 2)Mail to Attn: AMAZON1 P.O. Box 640281 SF, CA 94164
Postmarked as of 8/29/12 to Receive (1) one $25 Amazon Gift Card. Proof attachments will not be returned to Sender.

Brown Sugar Promotions LLC, A Publishing Imprint

Contest - Sweet Embrace Book Chase

Enter The "Sweet Embrace Book Chase" for your chance to win a print copy of 
"Sweet Embrace: A Vampire's Life in Poetry" by Kesha L Johnson-Clark

Please answer the following question and submit your response before
November 9, 2012

Question: When did Ahsek and Sunart meet, what month or season?

The "Sweet Embrace" Book Chase Entry Rules © 2012
No Purchase or Obligation Necassary To Enter or Win
Promotional Period is of 12:00am PST on 10/5/12 and ends at 11:59pm PST on 11/9/12
All Entries must be Submitted by those 18 years of age or older as of 10/5/12 and must be a Legal Resident of the 50
United States and D.C.
Answers may be Submitted and are accepted by (2) two ways either 1)Email to with
"BOOKPROMO2" as the Subject Line or 2)Mail to Attn: BOOKPROMO2 P.O. Box 640281 SF, CA 94164
Postmarked by 11/9/12 to Receive (1) one Advanced copy.

Brown Sugar Promotions LLC, A Publishing Imprint

Contest - Poetry Enhanced Book Advance

Enter The "Poetry Enhanced" Book Advance for your chance to win an  advance copy of 
"The Passion Fruit Syndrome: Poetry Enhanced" coming 8/29/12

Please answer the following question and submit your response before
August 15, 2012

Question: What is the title of the first poem in The Passion Fruit Syndrome: A Collection of Poems
by Kesha L Johnson-Clark?

The "Poetry Enhanced" Book Advance Entry Rules © 2012
No Purchase or Obligation Necassary To Enter or Win
Promotional Period is of 12:00am PST on 7/1/12 and ends at 11:59pm PST on 8/15/12
All Entries must be Submitted by those 18 years of age or older as of 7/1/12 and must be a Legal Resident of the 50
United States and D.C.
Answers may be Submitted and are accepted by (2) two ways either 1)Email to with
"BOOKPROMO1" as the Subject Line or 2)Mail to Attn: BOOKPROMO1 P.O. Box 640281 SF, CA 94164
Postmarked by 8/15/12 to Receive (1) one Advanced copy.

IMPORTANT: Promotional items available through Brown Sugar Promotions LLC are independently distributed unless separately noted as part of a corporate sponsorship or promotional agreement with a specific vendor. All promotional items are non-transfereable and are not for re-sale or distributed for any other prupose than what is detailed during the "promotional period" stated.

Brown Sugar Promotions LLC is a limited liability company. Brown Sugar Promotions LLC is not a franchise, a subsidiary nor are we a sister company of any company with a similar name variation unless otherwise expressed via our official links. We provide web-based promotions for our affiliates noted as, Rakuten LinkShare, Share A Sale, LinkConnector, Commission Junction, and eBay Enterprise. Brown Sugar Promotions LLC holds the proper certifications, permits and licenses to operate as a public, for profit business also operating as an eBusiness. As required by law, Brown Sugar Promotions LLC reports all tax information to the City & County of San Francisco, Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector effective 2010

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